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albert mike on December 1, 2021 at 6:50 AM said:

Hello viewer am Albert mike from Kenya 29 years old am here to share my testimony on how i joined the brotherhood of illuminati.. four months back when i wanted to join the brotherhood i was scammed by fake agents and people pretending to be Grand Master use the website.. until i met a friend MR BERRY WARD who gave me the genuine procedures i followed and made me a member of the great brotherhood of illuminati. today i am living a good life and i have enough money to do all i ever wanted .if u are interested and u need the help of my Initiator Berry. Call or Whats'App MR Berry Ward +1 (720) 803-2932 thanks Berry, am living the dream i will forever be grateful.
albert mike on December 1, 2021 at 6:49 AM said:

Hello viewer am Albert mike from Kenya 29 years old am here to share my testimony on how i joined the brotherhood of illuminati.. four months back when i wanted to join the brotherhood i was scammed by fake agents and people pretending to be Grand Master use the website.. until i met a friend MR BERRY WARD who gave me the genuine procedures i followed and made me a member of the great brotherhood of illuminati. today i am living a good life and i have enough money to do all i ever wanted .if u are interested and u need the help of my Initiator Berry. Call or Whats'App MR Berry Ward +1 (720) 803-2932 thanks Berry, am living the dream i will forever be grateful.
Chesterundup on December 1, 2021 at 6:38 AM said:

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James John on December 1, 2021 at 5:53 AM said:

2021 DECEMBER'S Illuminati Recruitment
Its an opportunity for anyone who have wished to join the Illuminati or be part of something great the Lord Thaddeus IAM have approved the recruitment for December BATCH:: get the sum of 10,000,000 Ten Million just in (3) Three days. NO Registration fee needed or payment for Membership form Contact The Leader of Citizen Outreach Mr Otabor Worldwide Recruiter : Whatsapp
James John on December 1, 2021 at 5:53 AM said:

Join illum­inati Broth­erhoo­d Today and Get Rich, Famou­s+2349037120519 (HOTLINE) #World­wide #Miami #Durba­n #Kuwai­t #USA #Austr­alia #Canad­a #Lesot­ho.
S­TEP 1:NB: Once you atten­d the Initi­ation Cerem­ony, you will be forma­lly intro­duced to the Netwo­rk of Illum­inati Socie­ty World­wide and you will recei­ve all the benef­its and privi­leges given to the New Membe­rs of Illum­inati­.GO­OD LUCK AS YOU PURSU­E YOUR DREAM­S TO JOIN OUR ESTEE­MED AND PREST­IGIOU­S SOCIE­TY.STRIC­T WARNI­NG TO ALL PROSP­ECTIV­E NEW MEMBE­RS.We have given all the neces­sary instr­uctio­ns about the proce­ss of Joini­ng Illum­inati World­wide.­We shall NOT there­fore enter­tain or allow any furth­er inqui­ries
James John on December 1, 2021 at 5:52 AM said:

Greatness is not about who you are but who you believe you can become.Have courage to
pursue your own path. The sheep are safe in their cages but the lions run free in the wilderness. The greatest among us are most different from the rest. EL LEL BALEIL XION Contact Mr ABIODUN via WhatsApp :
James John on December 1, 2021 at 5:51 AM said:

Greatness is not about who you are but who you believe you can become.Have courage to
pursue your own path. The sheep are safe in their cages but the lions run free in the wilderness. The greatest among us are most different from the rest. EL LEL BALEIL XION Contact Mr ABIODUN via WhatsApp :
James John on December 1, 2021 at 5:50 AM said:

+2349037120519 or whatsapp for quick response…..Are you a businessman, student, teachers, trying to become rich.here is the opportunity you have been waiting for to get the riches.the illuminati are welcoming new member to the brotherhood which are going to be bless with money. Contact Mr Abiodun via WhatsApp +2349037120519
James John on December 1, 2021 at 5:28 AM said:

2021 DECEMBER'S Illuminati Recruitment
Its an opportunity for anyone who have wished to join the Illuminati or be part of something great the Lord Thaddeus IAM have approved the recruitment for December BATCH:: get the sum of 10,000,000 Ten Million just in (3) Three days. NO Registration fee needed or payment for Membership form Contact The Leader of Citizen Outreach Mr Otabor Worldwide Recruiter : Whatsapp
James John on December 1, 2021 at 5:27 AM said:

Join illum­inati Broth­erhoo­d Today and Get Rich, Famou­s+2349037120519 (HOTLINE) #World­wide #Miami #Durba­n #Kuwai­t #USA #Austr­alia #Canad­a #Lesot­ho.
S­TEP 1:NB: Once you atten­d the Initi­ation Cerem­ony, you will be forma­lly intro­duced to the Netwo­rk of Illum­inati Socie­ty World­wide and you will recei­ve all the benef­its and privi­leges given to the New Membe­rs of Illum­inati­.GO­OD LUCK AS YOU PURSU­E YOUR DREAM­S TO JOIN OUR ESTEE­MED AND PREST­IGIOU­S SOCIE­TY.STRIC­T WARNI­NG TO ALL PROSP­ECTIV­E NEW MEMBE­RS.We have given all the neces­sary instr­uctio­ns about the proce­ss of Joini­ng Illum­inati World­wide.­We shall NOT there­fore enter­tain or allow any furth­er inqui­ries
James John on December 1, 2021 at 5:27 AM said:

Join illum­inati Broth­erhoo­d Today and Get Rich, Famou­s+2349037120519 (HOTLINE) #World­wide #Miami #Durba­n #Kuwai­t #USA #Austr­alia #Canad­a #Lesot­ho.
S­TEP 1:NB: Once you atten­d the Initi­ation Cerem­ony, you will be forma­lly intro­duced to the Netwo­rk of Illum­inati Socie­ty World­wide and you will recei­ve all the benef­its and privi­leges given to the New Membe­rs of Illum­inati­.GO­OD LUCK AS YOU PURSU­E YOUR DREAM­S TO JOIN OUR ESTEE­MED AND PREST­IGIOU­S SOCIE­TY.STRIC­T WARNI­NG TO ALL PROSP­ECTIV­E NEW MEMBE­RS.We have given all the neces­sary instr­uctio­ns about the proce­ss of Joini­ng Illum­inati World­wide.­We shall NOT there­fore enter­tain or allow any furth­er inqui­ries
James John on December 1, 2021 at 5:26 AM said:

Greatness is not about who you are but who you believe you can become.Have courage to
pursue your own path. The sheep are safe in their cages but the lions run free in the wilderness. The greatest among us are most different from the rest. EL LEL BALEIL XION Contact Mr ABIODUN via WhatsApp :
James John on December 1, 2021 at 5:26 AM said:

+2349037120519 or whatsapp for quick response…..Are you a businessman, student, teachers, trying to become rich.here is the opportunity you have been waiting for to get the riches.the illuminati are welcoming new member to the brotherhood which are going to be bless with money. Contact Mr Abiodun via WhatsApp +2349037120519
James John on December 1, 2021 at 5:25 AM said:

+2349037120519 or whatsapp for quick response…..Are you a businessman, student, teachers, trying to become rich.here is the opportunity you have been waiting for to get the riches.the illuminati are welcoming new member to the brotherhood which are going to be bless with money. Contact Mr Abiodun via WhatsApp +2349037120519
Vince Maniaci on December 1, 2021 at 5:12 AM said:

WhatsApp +1(516)926-0313 JOIN THE ILLUMINATI AND BECOME RICH, FAMOUS AND POWERFUL. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Great ILLUMINATI, We are world wide organization, We accept everyone both Muslims and Christians With this, all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplished, Note: No human sacrifices or sharing of blood, Long life and prosperity here on Earth, an fixed amount of $1,000,000 is been given to each new member with a powerful Golden Ring that will protect and guild you from bad lucks. If you are really interested contact us today on Email: illuminaticlub404@gmail.com OR WhatsApp +1(516)926-0313

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