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James John on November 27, 2021 at 5:06 PM said:

Join illum­inati Broth­erhoo­d Today and Get Rich, Famou­s+2349037120519 (HOTLINE) #World­wide #Miami #Durba­n #Kuwai­t #USA #Austr­alia #Canad­a #Lesot­ho.
S­TEP 1:NB: Once you atten­d the Initi­ation Cerem­ony, you will be forma­lly intro­duced to the Netwo­rk of Illum­inati Socie­ty World­wide and you will recei­ve all the benef­its and privi­leges given to the New Membe­rs of Illum­inati­.GO­OD LUCK AS YOU PURSU­E YOUR DREAM­S TO JOIN OUR ESTEE­MED AND PREST­IGIOU­S SOCIE­TY.STRIC­T WARNI­NG TO ALL PROSP­ECTIV­E NEW MEMBE­RS.We have given all the neces­sary instr­uctio­ns about the proce­ss of Joini­ng Illum­inati World­wide.­We shall NOT there­fore enter­tain or allow any furth­er inqui­ries
James John on November 27, 2021 at 5:05 PM said:

Join illum­inati Broth­erhoo­d Today and Get Rich, Famou­s+2349037120519 (HOTLINE) #World­wide #Miami #Durba­n #Kuwai­t #USA #Austr­alia #Canad­a #Lesot­ho.
S­TEP 1:NB: Once you atten­d the Initi­ation Cerem­ony, you will be forma­lly intro­duced to the Netwo­rk of Illum­inati Socie­ty World­wide and you will recei­ve all the benef­its and privi­leges given to the New Membe­rs of Illum­inati­.GO­OD LUCK AS YOU PURSU­E YOUR DREAM­S TO JOIN OUR ESTEE­MED AND PREST­IGIOU­S SOCIE­TY.STRIC­T WARNI­NG TO ALL PROSP­ECTIV­E NEW MEMBE­RS.We have given all the neces­sary instr­uctio­ns about the proce­ss of Joini­ng Illum­inati World­wide.­We shall NOT there­fore enter­tain or allow any furth­er inqui­ries
James John on November 27, 2021 at 5:03 PM said:

Join illum­inati Broth­erhoo­d Today and Get Rich, Famou­s+2349037120519 (HOTLINE) #World­wide #Miami #Durba­n #Kuwai­t #USA #Austr­alia #Canad­a #Lesot­ho.
S­TEP 1:NB: Once you atten­d the Initi­ation Cerem­ony, you will be forma­lly intro­duced to the Netwo­rk of Illum­inati Socie­ty World­wide and you will recei­ve all the benef­its and privi­leges given to the New Membe­rs of Illum­inati­.GO­OD LUCK AS YOU PURSU­E YOUR DREAM­S TO JOIN OUR ESTEE­MED AND PREST­IGIOU­S SOCIE­TY.STRIC­T WARNI­NG TO ALL PROSP­ECTIV­E NEW MEMBE­RS.We have given all the neces­sary instr­uctio­ns about the proce­ss of Joini­ng Illum­inati World­wide.­We shall NOT there­fore enter­tain or allow any furth­er inqui­ries
Samira on November 27, 2021 at 4:52 PM said:

Save Your Marriage & Get Your Ex lover Back! Powerful Love Spells By Lord Zuma.

My boyfriend left me for another girl for some silly reasons. He keeps telling me that I am nothing to him. He said he wants to be with the other girl. that he has no feeling for me anymore. This started more than one month ago. By this time he also speaks to me but not in his own mood or to rebuild our relationship. He does so because I request him to be with me at least for some hours or some minute… we talk only once …but I can’t stay without him. I want him back.. I was really worried and I needed help, so I searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Lord Zuma can help get ex lover back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do, and I did it then he did a Love spell for me. Some hours later, my boyfriend really called me and told me that he misses me so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day, with lots of love and joy, and he apologized for his mistake, and for the pain he caused me when he left. Then from that day, our relationship was now stronger than how it was before, All thanks to Lord Zuma. he is so powerful and I decided to share my happiness on the internet that Lord Zuma is real. if you are here and you need your ex lover back or save your marriage fast. Do not cry anymore, contact Lord Zuma now. Here’s his email: spiritualherbalisthealing@gmail.com or WhatsApp him: +1 506 800 1647
albert mike on November 27, 2021 at 4:47 PM said:

Hello viewer am Albert mike from Kenya 29 years old am here to share my testimony on how i joined the brotherhood of illuminati.. four months back when i wanted to join the brotherhood i was scammed by fake agents and people pretending to be Grand Master use the website.. until i met a friend MR BERRY WARD who gave me the genuine procedures i followed and made me a member of the great brotherhood of illuminati. today i am living a good life and i have enough money to do all i ever wanted .if u are interested and u need the help of my Initiator Berry. Call or Whats'App MR Berry Ward +1 (720) 803-2932 thanks Berry, am living the dream i will forever be grateful.
albert mike on November 27, 2021 at 4:47 PM said:

Hello viewer am Albert mike from Kenya 29 years old am here to share my testimony on how i joined the brotherhood of illuminati.. four months back when i wanted to join the brotherhood i was scammed by fake agents and people pretending to be Grand Master use the website.. until i met a friend MR BERRY WARD who gave me the genuine procedures i followed and made me a member of the great brotherhood of illuminati. today i am living a good life and i have enough money to do all i ever wanted .if u are interested and u need the help of my Initiator Berry. Call or Whats'App MR Berry Ward +1 (720) 803-2932 thanks Berry, am living the dream i will forever be grateful.
COY7389 on November 27, 2021 at 4:29 PM said:

Usefull internet site https://frequencydrive.ru
SARAH CASTLE on November 27, 2021 at 3:59 PM said:

Are you a business,Man or woman,politician,musician,pastor,lawyer,actor,actress,banker, and you.
want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life.
You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Great ILLUMINATI brotherhood.
With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish,
if you really want to be a member of the great ILLUMINATI brotherhood,
Note: New members are rewarded with $1,000,000 US Dollars A Golden Ring will be offered,
that will protect and guild you from enemies, and a free visa to all country. No human sacrifices or sharing of blood .
if you are really interested contact us today on via email.
illuminatitemplemas999@gmail.com or whatsapp +14695879337
SARAH CASTLE on November 27, 2021 at 3:58 PM said:

DO YOU WANT TO BE RICH AND FAMOUS, Are you in USA, or anywhere in the world, are you a Businessman or woman , politician, musician,or student and you desired to be rich, famous, and powerful in life. WhatsApp 1 (469) 587-9337 immediate initiation, registration is now open online now just 366$, Are you a business man or an artist,Politicians or pastor and you want to become big, Powerful Rich and famous in the world, join us to become one of our official member today.you shall be given an ideal chance to visit the illuminati and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice, or human life needed, Illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from your life now. it only a member who is been initiated into the illuminati Brotherhood have the authority to bring any member to the church, Join us today from anywhere in the world and realize your dreams. once you become a member you will be rich and famous for the rest of your life, contact +1 (469) 587-9337 Email:illuminatitemplemas999@gmail.com NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME!!!!! BENEFIT GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN THE ILLUMINATI SOCIETY a cash reward of$1,000,000.00 a new sleek dream car valued at $50,000 a dream house bought in the country of your own choice one month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. one year golf membership package a v.i.p treatment in all airports in the world a total lifestyle change access to bohemian grove monthly account every month as a member one month booked appointment with top 5 world leaders and top 5 celebrities in the world.
Amy Livingston on November 27, 2021 at 2:20 PM said:

Life doesn’t get easier, instead we strive hard to make it easy for us and today I’m so happy and glad that my husband is back to himself again after he had turned drinking into a habit. I don’t want to lose my husband for any reason. I was hurt with how our lives just changed and I needed help. I went online to search for help on how I can save my marriage and I came across lots of genuine testimonies about Lord Zakuza that specializes in all kinds of spell casting and I gave it a try to save my own marriage. Lord Zakuza accepted to help me and he cast a spell for me that made my husband reduced his intake of alcohol within 48 hours and within 7 days, he stopped drinking. My marriage was fully restored back with Joy, love and romance and I want to say thank you to Lord Zakuza for helping me. Anyone that needs help can contact him via Call/WhatsApp on this cell phone number +1 (740) 573-9483 or visit his website: Lordzakuzaspells.com or send him an email via: lordzakuza7@gmail.com
BERRY CASTLE on November 27, 2021 at 2:12 PM said:

My testimony on how I became an illuminati member. My names are Erica Johnson and am 39 years old,am from USA bahamas I want to notify the people who want to join the great illuminati,on how I was helped by the Great Illuminate World secret society in regaining back my business position after been sacked for about 5years and six months. I have been in pains and troubles ever since I ,was sacked from the company where I work, called 'USA Deposit Insurance corporation' as an agency executive. I have been hopeless, financially down through out those years. But one day, as I was browsing through the Internet, I came across the post of the Great Illuminate world society saying you can be famous, rich and successful in life by been a member of the great Illuminati member, immediately I contacted and I explained everything to them and they recommended me and helped and I pay for the Initiation Fee which will be used to initiate me, and I was initiated to the great illuminati world secret society after and also they gave me all the guidelines and told me their place worship. With the help of the Great illuminati world society I was able to go to temple and there I was initiated fully as a complete Illuminati member. Surprisingly 48 hours after i was initiated, I receive a call from the company that I have been accepted back again as the agency executive of the company at first I was shocked and surprised when the brotherhood offered me 1,000,000.00 USD a car and house with other things that has changed my life for good regain myself, whatsapp Mr berry castle on +1 (779) 324-0633 or email illuminatiusatemple666@gmail.com
DEBARDELABEN9446 on November 27, 2021 at 2:03 PM said:

Interesting internet site https://tda-elektro.ru
ANDREW BILLY on November 27, 2021 at 1:45 PM said:

I was thinking that illuminati is not real, But today with Mr CARLOS I now believe that illuminati is real, when you come across wrong person’s you will think that life is not real but when you are with the real one you will experience the goodness of your life, To MR CARLOS has made me discovered my purpose of life. Welcome to the great brotherhood of Illuminati 666: +1(585)6435360 . WhatsApp mr CARLOS +1(585)6435360, from , USA, and every other Country’s on how to join the Illuminati brotherhood to get rich and famous, You may be a politician, business man/woman ,musical artist, student, footballer or whatever occupation you do, you want to be rich, powerful and famous in life. Illuminati can grant all your heart desires join the Illuminati to become rich and famous in life, Illuminati will make you achieve your dream to become rich and protect you all the days of your life…… BENEFIT GIVEN TO A NEW MEMBER WHO JOIN THE ILLUMINATI a cash reward of usd $500,000.00USD a new sleek dream car valued at USD $3.5,000USD a dream house build in any country of your own choice one month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. One year golf membership package a V I P treatment in all airports in the world a total lifestyle change access to bohemian grove monthly payment of $5,000,00USD into your bank account every month as a member, one month booked appointment with top 5 world leaders and top 5 celebrities in the world» JOIN ILLUMINATI YOUR FINANCIALDIFFICULTIES ARE BROUGHT TO AN END. WE SUPPORT YOU BOTH FINANCIALLYAND SPIRITUALLY TO ENSURE YOU LIVE A COMFORTABLE LIFE. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED CONTACT MR CARLOS on WhatsApp +1(585)6435360 Or email us on :illuminatibrotherhood180@gmail.com For immediately response… My Regard to mr CARLOS.
ANDREW BILLY on November 27, 2021 at 1:43 PM said:

I was thinking that illuminati is not real, But today with Mr CARLOS I now believe that illuminati is real, when you come across wrong person’s you will think that life is not real but when you are with the real one you will experience the goodness of your life, To MR CARLOS has made me discovered my purpose of life. Welcome to the great brotherhood of Illuminati 666: +1(585)6435360 . WhatsApp mr CARLOS +1(585)6435360, from , USA, and every other Country’s on how to join the Illuminati brotherhood to get rich and famous, You may be a politician, business man/woman ,musical artist, student, footballer or whatever occupation you do, you want to be rich, powerful and famous in life. Illuminati can grant all your heart desires join the Illuminati to become rich and famous in life, Illuminati will make you achieve your dream to become rich and protect you all the days of your life…… BENEFIT GIVEN TO A NEW MEMBER WHO JOIN THE ILLUMINATI a cash reward of usd $500,000.00USD a new sleek dream car valued at USD $3.5,000USD a dream house build in any country of your own choice one month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. One year golf membership package a V I P treatment in all airports in the world a total lifestyle change access to bohemian grove monthly payment of $5,000,00USD into your bank account every month as a member, one month booked appointment with top 5 world leaders and top 5 celebrities in the world» JOIN ILLUMINATI YOUR FINANCIALDIFFICULTIES ARE BROUGHT TO AN END. WE SUPPORT YOU BOTH FINANCIALLYAND SPIRITUALLY TO ENSURE YOU LIVE A COMFORTABLE LIFE. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED CONTACT MR CARLOS on WhatsApp +1(585)6435360 Or email us on :illuminatibrotherhood180@gmail.com For immediately response… My Regard to mr CARLOS.
ANDREW BILLY on November 27, 2021 at 1:38 PM said:

I was thinking that illuminati is not real, But today with Mr CARLOS I now believe that illuminati is real, when you come across wrong person’s you will think that life is not real but when you are with the real one you will experience the goodness of your life, To MR CARLOS has made me discovered my purpose of life. Welcome to the great brotherhood of Illuminati 666: +1(585)6435360 . WhatsApp mr CARLOS +1(585)6435360, from , USA, and every other Country’s on how to join the Illuminati brotherhood to get rich and famous, You may be a politician, business man/woman ,musical artist, student, footballer or whatever occupation you do, you want to be rich, powerful and famous in life. Illuminati can grant all your heart desires join the Illuminati to become rich and famous in life, Illuminati will make you achieve your dream to become rich and protect you all the days of your life…… BENEFIT GIVEN TO A NEW MEMBER WHO JOIN THE ILLUMINATI a cash reward of usd $500,000.00USD a new sleek dream car valued at USD $3.5,000USD a dream house build in any country of your own choice one month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. One year golf membership package a V I P treatment in all airports in the world a total lifestyle change access to bohemian grove monthly payment of $5,000,00USD into your bank account every month as a member, one month booked appointment with top 5 world leaders and top 5 celebrities in the world» JOIN ILLUMINATI YOUR FINANCIALDIFFICULTIES ARE BROUGHT TO AN END. WE SUPPORT YOU BOTH FINANCIALLYAND SPIRITUALLY TO ENSURE YOU LIVE A COMFORTABLE LIFE. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED CONTACT MR CARLOS on WhatsApp +1(585)6435360 Or email us on :illuminatibrotherhood180@gmail.com For immediately response… My Regard to mr CARLOS.

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